Friday, October 8, 2010

Bend Film

The Bend Film Festival started tonight!  The best way to experience the festival is to get an All Access Pass.  With this pass you get into movies before anyone else, get the best seats, and you don't have to wait in line to pay.  The pass also gets you into the Opening Night party, and the Awards Ceremony.  You also look cool with your badge around your neck, and they make you feel like you are VIP.  Besides all that, you are supporting one of the coolest organizations in Bend!  You can see as many movies as you want, feature films, shorts, documentaries, and local shorts.  It's awesome!  Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Bend Film was awesome this year! My favorite films were The Third Rule, and Turning Japanese. You can rent them at the Bend Film office, starting next month I believe. Enjoy!
